********************** Split-Site PhD ********************** Within the framework of the University of Manchester’s 2015 Agenda, the ‘split-site’ PhD program extends the scope for research collaborations between the University and other institutions to encompass research degrees. It is intended as a means of enhancing research collaboration between the University of Manchester and other world-class institutions by allowing PhD students to register on a PhD program at the University of Manchester while working mainly at the collaborating institution. The University of Manchester will seek to ensure that the student experience (including provision of facilities and supervision) are as close as possible to those of students who are in full-time attendance. The School of Computer Science has a duty to ensure that all appropriate arrangements, including facilities, study time and supervision are in place before the arrangement is approved. The University of Manchester’s policy for Split-Site PhD Arrangements, as published in August 2013 by the Research Office Graduate Education Team, may be downloaded from: http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=7462. Split site PhD students may be registered as full or part-time at the University of Manchester. The minimum period of candidature is three years full-time, or six years part-time. Split site PhD students are expected to attend the ‘Introduction to Research — Essentials’ training course and undertake a Development Needs Analysis (DNA) at the University of Manchester. The supervisor must discuss the DNA with the student and make appropriate arrangements for any training needs identified. The supervisory team will be based at the University of Manchester, with one or more additional named supervisors at the collaborating institution. Consideration must be given to the level of supervisory input from the collaborating institution and this should be clearly defined at the outset. The arrangements for supervisory visits to the collaborating institution and student visits to Manchester must be agreed and recorded as a part of the proposal at the start of the student’s program. There must be regular contact between the student and main supervisor. It is expected that the collaborating institution will provide any additional sources of support to the student if needed. Supervisory requirements and the responsibilities of the supervisory team should comply with Section 1 of the Code of Practice for Supervision of Research Degrees, taking into account any special or alternative arrangements which may needed to be made in the light of any supervision being provided at the partner institution. It is important that split-site PhD students are aware of their responsibilities and that arrangements are in place at the collaborating institution to enable them to carry out these responsibilities. Student progress will be monitored by the School using its standard formal ‘end of year’ progression review mechanisms. The School’s arrangements for progress monitoring and formal reviews must be specified at the outset, in writing, and agreed with the collaborating institution and the student. The student must normally come to Manchester for ‘end of year’ reviews by Manchester staff. Informal monitoring and formal progress review meetings are to be carried out regularly, according to a pre-arranged. and agreed scheduled. It is expected that the split site student will submit a thesis to the Graduate Education Office in the faculty of Engineering and Physical Science at the University of Manchester and that the ‘viva’ will also take place in Manchester. The student will be required to give notification of intention to submit in the normal way (i.e. no later that two months prior to the date of submission) and within the period of their registration. Examination arrangements and the examination process should be carried out as set out in the Ordinances and Regulations for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy: http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=13074 The ‘viva’ examination will normally take place on the University of Manchester premises and the School will ensure that arrangements are communicated well in advance to all concerned including the collaborating institution. In particular, sufficient time should be allowed to enable the supervisor from the partner institution to make arrangements to attend the viva should this be requested by the student. The cost of any travel for the partner supervisor to attend the viva would need to be provided by the collaborating institution. On successful completion, the research degree will be awarded by the University of Manchester. In accordance with normal practice, students and supervisors should be aware of the procedures and processes for addressing complaints and appeals. The University of Manchester’s procedures should also be invoked if a complaint or an appeal is made in connection with the student’s period of study at the collaborating institution.