Research Students' Symposium: 2011 Programme

This year's Research Student Symposium will be held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd November (Tuesday to Thursday).
All talks will be in Kilburn 2.19. (This is the same venue as last year's).
The poster session will be in the Lower First area.
The buffet lunch during the poster session will be served in
the Lower First area.
The programme in PDF format:
Day 1:: Tuesday November 1st, 2011
Session 1 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Information Management, Software Systems and Biohealth Informatics
Chair: Eleni Mikroyannidi- 09.00 Petr Stepan: Design Patterns as Composite Connectors in Component-based Software Development
- 09.30 Aqeel Al-Naser: Parallelised Data Interaction and Visualization Applied to Subsurface Exploration Datasets
- 10.00 Eleni Mikroyannidi: Abstraction Methods for Ontology Comprehension
Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 2 (11:00-12:00, Kilburn 2.19): Keynote Talk
Chair: Prof Jim Miles (Head of School)
Title: From Mathematics to Computer Science
Prof Achim Jung
School of Computer Science
University of Birmingham
Abstract This could be the motto of my own academic career, starting in the Mathematics Department of the Technical University in Darmstadt to today's appointment in the School of Computer Science in Birmingham, but it is the intellectual interface between these two disciplines I wish to talk about. In the natural sciences, and in physics in particular, it has been argued that mathematics exhibits an "a priori" usefulness, and this has led to much speculation why the universe should be comprehensible in mathematical terms. In computer science we also use mathematical language and mathematical theories, but one should perhaps not speak so much of "applicability" of one to the other, but of a rich and constantly evolving relationship between the two disciplines. I will trace one instance of this relationship; that which starts with Church's lambda calculus in the 1930s and has since led to the development of programming languages such as Haskell.

Session 3 (12:00-12:30, Kilburn 2.19): Award of the 2011 Best Thesis and Best Paper Prizes
Chair: Dr Jonathan Shapiro
Award Conferrer : Martyn Spink (IBM)
- Best Thesis Winner :
Pavel Klinov
Thesis title: Practical Reasoning in Probabilistic Description Logic
supervised by Dr. Bijan Parsia and Prof. Uli Sattler - Best Paper Winner:
Yavor Nenov
Paper title: "On the Decidability of Connectedness Constraints in 2D and 3D Euclidean Spaces"
Authors: Roman Kontchakov, Yavor Nenov, Ian Pratt-Hartmann and Michael Zakharyaschev
Proceedings of the Twenty-second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), AAAI Press, 2011, pp. 957--962. - Best Paper Runner Up :
Sergio Davies
Paper title: "A forecast-based biologically-plausible STDP learning rule"
Authors: Sergio Davies, Alexander Rast, Francesco Galluppi and Steve Furber
2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2011) San Jose, California, July 31 - August 5, 2011 - Best Paper Runner Up :
Chiara Del Vescovo
Paper title: "The Modular Structure of an Ontology: Atomic Decomposition"
Authors: Chiara Del Vescovo and Bijan Parsia and Uli Sattler and Thomas Schneider
Proceedings of the Twenty-second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), AAAI Press, 2011, pp. 2232--2237.
Lunch (12:30-13:30)
Session 4 (13:30-14:30, Kilburn 2.19): Formal Methods
Chair: Rebekah Carter- 13.30 Maytham Alabbas: ArbTE: Arabic Textual Entailment
- 14.00 Rebekah Carter: Proving Liveness in Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Day 2 :: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
Session 5 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Machine Learning and Optimization; and Nano Engineering and Storage Technologies
Chair: Craig Barton- 09.00 Jonathan Roberts: Adaptive Procedural Content Generation in Video Games
- 09.30 Georg Heldt: Exploration of Bit Patterned Media for Future Storage Technologies
- 10.00 Craig Barton: In-Situ Anisotropy Tuning of Co/Pd Multilayers
Break (10:30-11:00)

Session 6 (11:00-14:00, Lower First): Poster Session (Buffet Lunch Provided)
The posters to be presented are listed close to the bottom of the page.
Break (14:00-14:30)
Session 7 (14:30-16:00, Kilburn 2.19): Advanced Processor Technologies (1)
Chair: Anthony Kleerekoper- 14.30 Thomas Sharp: Real-Time Simulation of Detailed Cortical Microcircuits on SpiNNaker
- 15.00 Martin Grymel : Cyclic Codes for Error Correction
- 15.30 Anthony Kleerekoper: DECOR: Degree Constrained Routing for Lifetime Maximisation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Day 3 :: Thursday, November 3rd, 2011
Session 8 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Advanced Interfaces; and Advanced Processor Technologies (2)
Chair: Matthew Orlinski- 09.00 Muhammad Raza Ali: Multiuser Gesture Recognition System Based on Skin Colour and Optical Flow
- 09.30 Sergio Davies: A Forecast-based Biologically Plausible STDP Learning Rule
- 10.00 Matthew Orlinski: Community Detection in Packet Switched Networks
Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 9 (11:00-12:30, Kilburn 2.19): Information Management (1)
Chair: Samantha Bail- 11.00 Rafael Gonçalves: Impact Analysis in OWL Ontologies
- 11.30 Chiara Del Vescovo: The Modular Structure of an Ontology: Atomic Decomposition
- 12.00 Samantha Bail: Multiple Justifications in OWL Ontologies
Lunch (12:30-13:30)
Session 10 (13:30-14:30, Kilburn 2.19): Information Management (2)
Chair: Sadia Saleem- 13.30 Peter McNerney: Integrating Security and Quality of Service in Internet-based Mobile Ad Hoc networks
- 14.00 Sadia Saleem: A Risk-Aware Workload Scheduler to Support Secure and Efficient Collaborative Data Transfer in Mobile Communities
Break (14:30-15:00)
Session 11 (15:00-16:30, Kilburn 2.19): Text Mining
Chair: Raheel Nawaz- 15.00 George Karystianis: Using Text Mining to Explore Concept Complexity in Obesity through Concept Maps
- 15.30 Riza Batista-Navarro: Adapting the Cluster Ranking Supervised Model to Resolve Coreferences in the Drug Literature
- 16.00 Raheel Nawaz: Contradictions in Biomedical Research Literature: An Event-Based Approach
- Javid M Akhter Diagnosing Faults in Embedded Queries
- Abdullah Alnajem Risk-Aware Dynamic Authentication for Mobile Banking
- Majed Alsabaan Pronunciation Support for Arabic Learners
- Iman Alsharhan Exploiting phonological constraints to improve the performance of Arabic speech understanding system
- Tahani Alsubait Ontology-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Xin Bao Sketch-Based Intuitive 3D Modeling
- Hassan Bashir Hybrid Evolutionary Computation for Continuous Optimization
- Nargis Bibi Adaptive HARQ for Non-Linear Distortion of OFDMA Signals
- Georgios Charopoulos Speech Emotion Analysis, Detection and Recognition
- Klitos Christodoulou Pay-as-you-go Data Integration Over Linked Open Data
- Timothy Clark Recoupling Data and Information in Bioscience: A Sociotechnical Patterns Approach
- Alex Constantin "You Will Like This Poster"
- Geraint Duck Extraction and Representation of in silico Biological Methods from the Literature
- David Fox Dynamic Demand Modelling and Pricing Decision Support Systems for Petroleum
- Francesco Galluppi Information Representation on a Universal Neural Chip
- Peter Glaus Estimating differential expression of transcripts with RNA-seq by using Bayesian Inference
- Darren Hau Speech Information Component Analysis using Biologically Inspired Deep Learning
- Mohammad Khodadadi Blocking and Refinements for Automatically Generated Tableau Provers
- Roman Krenicky Formal Methods Towards a 2-Categorical Notion of Proof Equality
- Danielius Kudinskas Improving Hypervisors with Dynamic Code Generation
- Qinan Lai A Behavioural Semantics Framework for Domain Specific Language
- Keletso Letsholo Assessing the Modeling Capabilities of BPMN
- Don Liyanage CBR Adaptation with Artificial Neural Networks
- Claudiu Mihaila Event-based Recognition of Causality in the Biomedical Domain Using Textual Entailment
- Fabio Papacchini Minimal Model Reasoning
- Zoya Pourmirza The Communication Network Architecture for the Smart Grid
- Giles Reger Inferring Parametric Specifications
- Myrna Rodriguez Frias Electromagnetic Spectrum-Aware Unmanned Vehicle
- Yanti Rusmawati A Formal Framework for Describing and Reasoning about Dynamic Networks
- Arsalan Sadri Web Service Composition
- Petch Sajjacholapunt An Innovative Framework for the Interactive Visualisation of the Semantic Web
- Alan Stokes An Autonomic Approach to Resilience in Sensor Network Query Processing
- Raymon White The Navier-Stokes Equations with Non-standard Boundary Conditions
This page is maintained by Dr Joshua D Knowles.
Please send questions and corrections to him at