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Presentations at the Research Symposium


This page is for students who have just finished their second year of PhD studies or their 3rd year of CDT studies. You are required to give a presentation at the Research Symposium.

  • Last year you will have presented your work as a poster; this year you will give an oral presentation.
  • Presentations should be 15 minutes with a small amount of time for questions.
  • Your presentation should NOT be the same one presented in your continuation interview: the presentation at the symposium is longer, the audience wider, and the aim is slightly different: to present your work as an interesting piece of research, rather than to convince some examiners you are making good progress.
  • In particular, the material should be targeted so that CS postgrads from other groups can understand (most of) it; do not assume highly specialized knowledge.
  • Prepare well for your presentation: think about the core points you want to get across; arrange these points into a suitable story-line; make good, suitable slides for these points and this story; think about how you want to tell this story -- and practise all of this!
  • During your presentation, keep in contact with the audience and enjoy the experience!
  • Remember what you have learned in COMP80122.

Please discuss your presentation with your supervisor and perhaps practise it with other members of your group.

A good presentation is a pleasure to give, and this is one of the few opportunities you will have to show your work within the School. Good luck with it!