Research Students' Symposium: 2012 Programme

This year's Research Student Symposium will be held on 30th October to 1st November (Tuesday to Thursday).
All talks will be in Kilburn 2.19. (This is the same venue as last year's).
The poster session will held be in the Lower First area.
The buffet lunch during the poster session will be served in
the Lower First area.
The full programme is given below. It is also available as PDF.
Day 1:: Tuesday October 30th, 2012
Session 1 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Advanced Processor Technologies (APT)
Chair: Francesco Galluppi- 09.00 Nargis Bibi: Adaptive HARQ for Nonlinear Distortion of OFDMA Signals
- 09.30 Danielius Kudinskas: Improving hypervisors with dynamic code generation
- 10.00 Francesco Galluppi: Information Representation on a Universal Neural Chip
Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 2 (11:00-12:00, Kilburn 2.19): Keynote Talk
Chair: Prof Jim Miles (Head of School)
Title: How to write a great research paper
Simon Peyton-Jones
Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Abstract Writing papers is a fundamental part of doing good research; it's how we communicate with each other, share ideas, and generate new ones.
Yet many research papers fail to communicate well. The good news is that some pretty simple things can make your paper a lot better — and more likely to be accepted by that conference. Come prepared to discuss and debate!

Session 3 (12:00-12:30, Kilburn 2.19): Award of the 2012 Best Thesis and Best Paper Prizes
Chair: Dr Jonathan Shapiro
Award Conferrer : Martyn Spink (IBM)
Winners to be announced.
Session 4 (12:30-15:00, Lower First LF34/LF39): Poster Session (Buffet Lunch Provided)
The posters to be presented are listed at the bottom of the page.
Break (15:00-15:30)
Session 5 (15:30-17:00, Kilburn 2.19): Information Management (IMG)
Chair: Qinan Lai- 15.30 Zoya Pourmirza: The Smart Grid Monitoring Network
- 16.00 Matthew Gamble: MIM: A minimum Information Model Vocabulary and Framework for Scientific Linked Data
- 16.30 Qinan Lai: Defining and Verifying Behaviour of Domain Specific Language with fUML
Day 2 :: Wednesday, October 31st, 2012
Session 6 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Formal Methods / Advanced Interfaces / BioHealth Informatics / Text Mining
Chair: Claudiu Mihaila- 09.00 Alex Constantin: Employing Keyphrase Networks in the Evaluation of Scientific Relevance
- 09.30 Geraint Duck: Extraction and Representation of in silico Biological Methods from the Literature
- 10.00 Claudiu Mihaila: Event-based Recognition of Causality in Biomedicine
Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 7 (11:00-12:30, Kilburn 2.19): Formal Methods
Chair: Mohammad Khodadadi- 11.00 Majed Alsabaan: Pronunciation Support for Arabic Learners
- 11.30 Mohammad Khodadadi: Blocking for automatically generated tableau provers
- 12.00 Eiman Alsharhan: Exploiting phonological constraints to improve the performance of an Arabic speech understanding system
Lunch (12:30-13:30)
Session 8 (13:30-14:30, Kilburn 2.19): Formal Methods (FM) and Software Systems (SSG)
Chair: Keletso Letsholo- 13.30 Fabio Papacchini: Minimal Model Reasoning
- 14.00 Keletso Letsholo: Reuse-Based Model Transformation and Evolution
Break (14:30-15:30)
Session 9 (15:30-17:00, Kilburn 2.19): Nano Engineering and Storage Technologies (NEST) / Advanced Interfaces (AIG)
Chair: Myrna Rodriguez Frias- 15.30 Raymon White: Preconditioning of the constrained Navier-Stokes equations
- 16.00 Xin Bao: Sketch-Based 3D Free-Form Deformation
- 16.30 Myrna Rodriguez Frias: Wi-Fi/Visual Fingerprinting
Day 3 :: Thursday, November 1st, 2012
Session 10 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Formal Methods
Chair: Giles Reger- 09.00 Yanti Rusmawati: Dynamic networks as concurrent systems
- 09.30 Roman Krenicky: A 2-Categorical Approach to Proof-Comparison
- 10.00 Giles Reger: Is my program running correctly?
Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 11 (11:00-12:30, Kilburn 2.19): Information Management
Chair: Alan Stokes- 11.00 Tahani Alsubait: Ontology-Based Generation of Assessment Questions
- 11.30 Klitos Christodoulou: Pay-As-You-Go Data Integration over Linked Open Data
- 12.00 Alan Stokes: Proactive Adaptations in Sensor Network Query Processing
Lunch (12:30-13:30)
Session 12 (13:30-15:30, Kilburn 2.19): Machine Learning and Optimization (MLO) and Centre for Novel Computing (CNC)
Chair: Hassan Bashir- 13.30 David Fox: Dynamic Demand Modelling and Pricing Decision Support Systems for Petroleum
- 14.00 Darren Hau: When is a competition not a competition?
- 14.30 Hassan Bashir: Hybridizing Evolutionary Computations Algorithms for Global Optimizaton
- 15.00 Gul Aftab Ahmed: Runtime system for parallel task scheduling on heterogeneous multicore architectures
- Edward Abel Preference elicitation from pairwise comparisons in Decision Making
- Ahmad Alam An information systems architecture for archaeology
- Samah Alhazmi Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis: Linking Arabic Blogs to Twitter
- Ahmad Almakhlafi Benchmarks for Maintenance Scheduling Problems in Power Generation
- Aitor Apaolaza Detecting emerging task models on Web applications
- Colin Barrett Runtime Optimisation of Parallel Frameworks for Low-power Scalable Architectures
- Michael Bramhall Development of Biomarkers for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- David Buckley Inferring Player Interest in Multiplayer Maps for First-Person Shooters
- Erol-Valeriu Chioasca Automatic Determination of System Model Specifications via Semantic Object Models
- Azad Dehghan Extracting and Modelling Clinical Pathways from Health-Care Narratives
- Mona Demaidi Generating personalized learning guidance to improve students' performance
- James Dyer Context-aware authentication for cloud MapReduce applications
- Michele Filannino Temporal Information Extraction in the Clinical Domain
- Mohsen Ghasempour Hardware Acceleration of Database Queries
- Ket-ziquel Hernandez Guadarrama Semi-supervised Feature Selection Using Filter Methods
- Sardar Jaf Hybrid Parsing for Arabic
- Georgios Kontonatsios Aligning Biomedical Named Entities Across Languages
- Robert Lyon Automating Candidate Pulsar Selection with Semi-Supervised Learning
- Fardeen Mackenzie Sign Language Recognition and Synthesis
- Tamas Madl Spatial Memory and Navigation Ability in a Physically Embodied Cognitive Architecture
- Ruhaila Maskat Pay-As-You-Go Approaches to Information Integration
- Nicolas Matentzoglu Applying the Web Ontology Language in Clinical Documentation Systems
- Richard Mealing Prediction Algorithms for Learning Probabilistic Behaviour in Multi-Agent Systems
- Joseph Mellor Thompson Sampling in Non-Stationary Environments
- Fanlin Meng A Novel Game-theoretic Approach to Demand-side Management for the Smart Grid
- Mona Mohamed Zaki Ali Investigating Data Quality Aspects of Q&A Reports
- Suraya Mohammad Automatic Assessesment of Diabetic Retinopathy
- Abdulmalik Mohammed Image Recognition on Mobile Platform
- Mustafa Mustafa Smart Grid Security
- Antonios Oikonomou Dispersion, Assembly and Characterisation of Nitrogen-doped SWCNT devices
- Fernando Osorno Gutierrez Crowdsourcing for Data Integration
- Ilia Pietri Energy Efficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing
- Dimitrios Piliouras Mining Pharmaco-kinetic/dynamic parameters from the biomedical literature
- Stella Podgornik Automatic Assessment of Developmental Disorders in Early Childhood
- Matthias Sander Frigau Dynamic Self-adaptation for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
- Christopher Seaton Irregular Parallelism
- Konstantinos Sechidis Feature Selection in Different Learning Environments
- Matthew Shardlow Text Simplification
- Jennifer Talbot Write Errors in Exchange Coupled Composite Media Bit Patterned Media Recording
- Michael Taylor Counting Faces for the Blind
- Xing Yu Markerless Vision-Based Hand-Tracking for Interaction
- Smaragda Zygridou Fabrication and Characterisation of L10 ordered FePt bit patterned media (BPM)
This page is maintained by Dr Joshua D Knowles.
Please send questions and corrections to him at