Research Students' Symposium: 2013 Programme

This year's Research Student Symposium will be held on Tuesday 29th to Thursday 31st October.
All talks will be in Kilburn 2.19. (This is the same venue as last year's).
The poster session will held be in the Lower First area, along with a buffet lunch.
The full programme is given below, and also in PDF.
Day 1:: Tuesday October 29th, 2013
Session 1 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Software Systems; and Advanced Interfaces
Chair: Michael Taylor- 09.00 Erol-Valeriu Chioasca: Making sense of natural language requirements - a semantic object model approach
- 09.30 Xing Yu: Vision-based Markerless 3D Hand Tracking
- 10.00 Michael Taylor: Counting Students in Lecture Theatres
Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 2 (11:00-12:00, Kilburn 2.19): Keynote Talk
Chair: Prof Jim Miles (Head of School)
Title: 5 paths to compete, succeed and thrive in grad school and beyond
prof mc schraefel
University of Southampton
Abstract Grad school is a wonderful, awesome, nay decadent, opportunity to have the luxury to focus on an idea for a sustained period. While the Dissertation is the Grand Deliverable of the PhD, whether thinking about industrial research, academia or other, within that PhD period, most of us are looking to complete the degree with a few papers in top tier conferences and journals. In the UK, with a three year Doctorate, that's only three seasons at bat to achieve those results in top conferences that have at best a one in four or one in five acceptance rate, That north american universities have degrees nearly twice as long, with that many more opportunities to develop the pre-graduation CV, pressure may seem to be greater to achieve international parity. To optimise the likelihood of success at this intensity, five factors have to be working optimally. In this presentation, we'll explore the five paths for optimising success in grad school. You will leave with skills you can practice every day to improve your performance, from cognitive acuity to physical wellbeing. A bonus of this multifaceted integrated approach to performance is not only that it will help you thrive in grad school, it will set the stage for you to continue to flourish beyond your degree.
m.c. schraefel, ph.d, cscs, c.eng, f.bcs holds the post Professor of Computer Science and Human Performance at the University of Southampton where she leads the new Human Performance Design Lab. She has also been awarded a Research Chair supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and Microsoft Research to investigate methods to design and evaluate interactive technology for innovation, discovery and enhanced quality of life. m.c. did an interdisciplinary PhD which she says she "wouldn't wish on a dog" as it meant satisfying the degree requirements of multiple faculties. As a supervisor, her goal has been to support her students to develop excellent research, support a passion for their visions, be able to explore multiple opportunities from attending conferences to doing industrial internships, to leading workshops, and thus to achieve robust results, networks and bullet proof cv's. schraefel has either lead or co-authored 12 best papers with colleagues and students, most recently at Ubicomp 2013, ACM's ubiquitous and pervasive computing conference (paper: There's No Such Thing as Losing a Pound (pdf download). m.c. is also a professional strength and conditioning, nutrition and movement coach. There may be push ups.
m.c.'s academic website is

Session 3 (12:00-12:30, Kilburn 2.19): Award of the 2013 Best Thesis and Best Paper Prizes
Chair: Dr Jonathan Shapiro
Award Conferrer : Dr Martyn Spink (IBM)
Winners to be announced.
Session 4 (12:30-16:00, Lower First LF34/LF39): Poster Session (Buffet Lunch Provided)
The posters to be presented are listed at the bottom of the page.
Session 5 (16:00-17:00, Kilburn 2.19): Special Session
Day 2 :: Wednesday, October 30th, 2013
Session 6 (09:00-10:30, Kilburn 2.19): Text Mining
Chair: Azad Dehghan- 09.00 Azad Dehghan: Extracting and Modelling Clinical Pathways from Healthcare Narratives
- 09.30 Mona Zaki Ali: Investigating Data Quality Aspects of Question and Answer Reports
- 10.00 Samah Alhazmi: Linking Arabic Social Media based on Topic Similarity and Sentiment
Break (10:30-11:30)
Session 7 (11:30-13:00, Kilburn 2.19): Machine Learning and Optimization
Chair: Fanlin Meng- 11.30 Richard Mealing: Learning an Effective Strategy in a Multi-Agent System with Hidden Information
- 12.00 Joseph Mellor: Decision Making using Thompson Sampling
- 12.30 Fanlin Meng: A Stackelberg game-theoretic approach to optimal real-time pricing for the smart grid
Lunch (13:00-14:00)
Session 8 (14:00-15:00, Kilburn 2.19): Formal Methods
Chair: Sardar Jaf- 14.00 Jonas Lorenz: A Category Theoretic Description of Probabilistic Reasoning
- 14.30 Sardar Jaf: A Hybrid Parser for Natural Languages
Break (15:00-15:30)
Session 9 (15:30-17:30, Kilburn 2.19): Advanced Processor Technologies
Chair: Mohsen Ghasempour- 15.30 Farideh Jalalinajafabadi: Objective Voice Quality Assessment Using Digital Signal Processing
- 16.00 Chris Seaton: Irregular Parallelism Requires Specialization
- 16.30 Mona Demaidi: Personalised learning guidance system: generating and recommending feedback to students in virtual learning environment
- 17.00 Mohsen Ghasempour: Performance Improvement of SDRAMs using Dynamic Address Re-Mapping and On-The-Fly Data Migration
Day 3 :: Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Session 10 (09:00-11:00, Kilburn 2.19): Information Management; and Advanced Interfaces
Chair: Suraya Mohammad- 09.00 Fernando Osorno-Gutierre: Crowdsourcing for Data Integration
- 09.30 Matthias Sander-Frigau: A Cross-layer Transmit Power and Beacon Rate Adaptation for Urban Vehicular Networks
- 10.00 Abdulmalik Mohammed: Emergency Exit Sign Recognition on a Mobile Phone
- 10.30 Suraya Mohammad: Texture for retina image analysis
Break (11:00-11:30)
Session 11 (11:30-13:30, Kilburn 2.19): NowNano / Nano Engineering and Storage Technologies
Chair: David Shepherd- 11.30 Smaragda Zygridou: Fabrication and characterisation of L10 ordered FePt bit patterned media
- 12.00 Jennifer Talbot: Write Errors in Exchange Coupled Composite Bit Patterned Media
- 12.30 Antonios Oikonomou: Multiplexed biomimetic lipid membranes on graphene by dip-pen nanolithography
- 13.00 David Shepherd: Numerical methods for computational micromagnetics
Lunch (13:30-14:00)
Session 12 (14:00-16:00, Kilburn 2.19): BioHealth Informatics; Text Mining; and Information Management
Chair: Mustafa Mustafa- 14.00 Ahmad Alam: Archaeinformatics, an information systems framework for Archaeology
- 14.30 Michael Bramhall: Development of biomarkers for IB
- 15.00 Georgios Kontonatsios: Term alignment from comparable corpora
- 15.30 Mustafa Mustafa: Smart Grid Security
CDT Year 2 Posters (Collab 2)
- Dhahi Al Shekali PAY-AS-YOU-GO Data Integration over Linked Open Data
- Adel Binbusayyis Designing a Secure and Efficient Access Control Solution for PHRs Access in Public Cloud Storage
- Andrew Chambers Combined model and appearance based full 3d hand pose estimation
- Simone Di Cola Component-based Software Product Line Engineering
- Yegor Guskov Decidability of satisfiability of fragments of first-order logic
- Jonathan Heathcote Improving the Interconnection Networks of Brain Simulators
- Georgios Kourtis Decidable Extensions of the Guarded Fragment
- Andrew Leeming Exploiting mobility and context-awareness in Opportunistic Networks
- Jared Leo Capturing Temporal Aspects in Ontologies
- Steven Miller A Thorn in Darwin's Side
- Andrew Mundy Holographic Reduced Representations for Symbol Representation and Manipulation
- Nikolaos Nikolaou Margin-ROC Analysis
- Jon Parkinson The Slowness Principle: Combining Slowness with Deep Learning Techniques
- Francis Southern Fluted Logic
- Mihai Stetco Fuzzy cluster analysis of Financial time series and their volatility assessment
- Andrew Webb Non-trivial self-replication
- Marc Wrigley Medical Imaging Analysis using 3D Statistical Shape Models
CDT Year 3 and PhD Year 2 Posters
- Edward Abel Reducing Inconsistency in Pairwise Comparisons Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Computing
- Dimah Alahmadi ISTS: Implicit Social Trust and Sentiment Based Approach to Recommender Systems
- Asmaa Alayed A Component-based Approach to Software Product Line Engineering
- Reyadh Alluhaibi Temporal Semantics for Controlled Natural Languages
- Noha Alnazzawi Using text mining techniques to derive patient phenotypic information from electronic health records
- Hayat Alrefaie Computational Support For Learning Of Arabic
- Ahmed Al Riyamih Adaptive Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Amal Alshahrani Inference for Natural Language
- Aitor Apaolaza Identifying Emergent Behaviours from Longitudinal Web Use
- Rosyzie Anna Apong Using Negation To Find Conflicts in Healthcare Social Networks
- Gregory Auton Tuning into Terahertz
- Thanmer Ba-Dhafari Hypothesis Formulation in Medical Record Space
- Helen Baksh ATL-QoS: Adaptive Trust-Aware Location-Based QoS Solution For Achieving QoS in IMANET
- Colin Barrett Runtime Optimisation of Parallel Frameworks for Low-power Scalable Architectures
- David Buckley Behaviour-Oriented Skill Modelling in a First-Person Shooter
- Yaman Cakmakci Improving The Reliability of Multicore Systems: A Hardware/Software Co-Design Approach
- Maria Copeland Logical Warnings
- Michele Filannino Temporal information extraction
- Oscar Florez Are methods in tropical infectious disease models properly described?
- Kristian Garza-Gutierrez Model-Base Scientific Collaboration for Life-Science
- Cosmin Gorgovan Optimising Dynamic Binary Modification for (Heterogeneous) Multicores
- Feifei Hang A Heterogeneous Service Composition Approach with Semantic Enhancement
- Fatima Isiaka Physiological Correlates to Online Behaviour
- Mahdi Jelodari Mamghani Globally Asynchronous Elastic Logic Synthesis (GAELS)
- August Johansson Measuring Ferromagnetic Resonance using a Vector Network Analyser
- Patrick Koopmann Forgetting in Expressive Description Logics
- Robert Lyon Selecting Pulsar Candidates in Imbalanced and Unlabelled Data Streams
- Qian Ma Algorithmic Stackelberg Game Theory with Application in Energy Pricing
- Fardeen Mackenzie High Fidelity Monocular 3D Performance Capture Through Sign Classification
- Tamas Madl Spatial Memory and Navigation Ability in a Physically Embodied Cognitive Architecture
- Marco Manca Modelling monoterpenoid biosynthesis for synthetic biology
- Mireya Paredes Lopez Autotuning for Graph kernels with Heterogeneous Architectures
- Ilia Pietri Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing
- Dimitrios Piliouras Formulating Pharmaco-kinetic/dynamic parameters as bio-events
- Dean Plumbley Search Algorithms in the Optimisation of Drug Therapy
- Joseph Razavi A Topological Approach to Algorithm Equivalence
- Robert Rozanski An active learning system for studying metabolic networks in yeast
- Ubai Sandouk Representation Learning and Applications in Audio Information Retrieval
- anonymous Statistical Hypothesis Testing in Positive Unlabelled Data
- Matthew Shardlow Lexical Simplification
- Evangelos Stromatias Power analysis of large-scale, real-time neural networks on SpiNNaker
- Guangda Zhang Transient Fault Tolerant QDI Interconnects Using Redundant Check Code
This page is maintained by Dr Joshua D Knowles.
Please send questions and corrections to him at